About Gina Lynn

Gina Lynn is always creating and visualizing useful ideas and pretty things. Her mind is constantly on so many separate DIY projects, trying out gadgets, assignments, chores, new recipes, and new activities that she can’t even decide what to get done first. Organizing closets, cupboards or her garage are one thing but how does she organize her life or her mind? Even as she goes to bed at night, she keeps a notepad close at hand, because she is always coming up with new ideas. Her love for decorating and shopping has encouraged her to tackle impossible tasks, like making her little backyard seem spacious. She is seldom in her office, and is more likely to be found in her kitchen coming up with new recipes for her family. She loves to write poems, but hates writing other things. She is not a fan of reading either but she is more interested in learning things visually. She is passionate about photography, and uses her lens to preserve the special moments in life. She absolutely treasures her three beautiful children and her loving husband of 12 years. When she has some free time to herself, she also enjoys running, jogging, walking, hiking and biking. She is motivated to always find time to exercise. Her love of thinking up millions of new ideas turned into a favorite part of her everyday life, she just have to write about it and find time to share them with you….. 🙂

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